macdonald pipe band of pittsburgh

pipeband in pittsburgh pennsylvania

macdonald pipe band of pittsburgh

pipeband in pittsburgh pennsylvania

The Macdonald Pipe Band of Pittsburgh, Inc. is one of the oldest active bands in the region. We are a not-for-profit organization 501 (c) (3). Our purpose is to further the Scottish arts by promoting the study and performance of its music. We are a modern, competitive pipe band with a keen eye towards the future but mindful of our forebears and the traditions that shaped us.

The Macdonald Pipe Band of Pittsburgh was founded by members of the Carnegie Tech University Pipe Band after the university discontinued its support of the band as a university organization. The late C. K. Macdonald, then-owner of Idlewild Park, agreed to sponsor the band, and it officially became the Macdonald Pipe Band of Idlewild Park, Pa. In September 1967. In the early 1980’s, the band changed its name to Macdonald Pipe Band of Pittsburgh, Inc. and was incorporated as a nonprofit organization.

The band has opened for Pittsburgh performances by Rod Stewart and British Regimental Bands, such as the Black Watch and the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. The band also performed for HRH Prince Charles at Pittsburgh’s Benedum Center.

In 1994 and 2000, the band toured Scotland, competing in the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow (placing 18th in our division), marching in the Millennium Parade in Edinburgh and performing for clan dignitaries.

In addition to parades, the band performs in numerous show around the area. We also travel around the Eastern United States competing at various Highland games and Celtic festivals, culminating at the Ligonier Highland Games, held at the band’s birthplace, Idlewild Park, Pa.

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