cincinnati caledonian pipes & drums

pipeband in cincinnati ohio

cincinnati caledonian pipes & drums

pipeband in cincinnati ohio

The Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes & Drums Band is available to perform at your community or private function. We are available to add the unforgettable sound of pipes and drums to all life’s events:

In 2002, the band attained its 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax certification. In 2002 the band was declared by Mayor Charlie Luken as Cincinnati’s Official Pipe and Drum Band as well as being declared the official pipe band of Clan MacKenzie’s Eastern Region. During this era, the band had the honor of opening musical performances by The Black Watch and Rod Stewart, and performing the halftime show for the Cincinnati Bengals.

In 2006, the band merged with the Mad Anthony Wayne Pipe Band boosting the roster to around 25 performing members; with these numbers, the band fielded competition bands in Grades 3, 4 and 5.

The history of the Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums begins about 1912 by a Canadian immigrant William Lorne Nimmo whose family moved to Cincinnati. William Nimmo was a Lieutenant in the police force and an avid bike rider. After moving to Cincinnati, Mr. Nimmo set about putting together a pipe band, and as he states in his autobiography “I organized a pipe band, assisted by some good businessmen of the Caledonian Society (of Cincinnati).” When the band was first started, it had some 20 members, and performances consisted of piping, drumming and dancing displays along with a four-round boxing match put on by William’s two sons Donald and Lomond (10 & 11 years of age).

Practice/Lessons Location

Springdale Nazarene Church (Second Floor)

  • 11177 Springfield Pike
  • Cincinnati, OH 45246
  • United States
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