Harp and Thistle Pipe Band

The Harp and Thistle Pipe Band is a traditional Celtic pipe band. The band wears the beautiful Irish National Tartan, while their sporran sports the Scottish Thistle design.

Harp and Thistle Pipe Band

The Harp and Thistle Pipe Band is a traditional Celtic pipe band. The band wears the beautiful Irish National Tartan, while their sporran sports the Scottish Thistle design.

Pipe Major Don Goller, leads the Harp & Thistle Pipe Band. The Drum Major is Neil Lester and Greg Sheridan is the Pipe Sgt. At present the band boasts over 30 pipers and drummers. The band also has it’s own three-man color guard and banner carriers. The student ranks are swelling, with many student pipers learning and keeping the tradition alive. The future holds much promise

The Harp & Thistle Pipe Band was formed to play Celtic music at the highest level possible. It is our mission to promote interest, appreciation, and excellence in this art form. To attain this goal, we are determined to attract, develop and retain top piping and drumming talent through teaching, practice, parades, concerts and competition.

The band seeks to foster mutual respect among its members, to create an environment conducive to learning, to implement policies and practices designed to avoid divisiveness and to provide an enjoyable experience for all associated with it. Follow Us on Facebook

Website preview for www.harpandthistlepipeband.org



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