alabama pipes and drums

pipeband in birmingham alabama

alabama pipes and drums

pipeband in birmingham alabama

The leadership since that time has been Pipe Major Jamie Brooks-Hamilton, originally from the San Diego area, and Drum Sgt. Allen Vaughn (passed away in January 2002) who at one time played with the Atlanta Pipe Band.

Our band is proud to be a part of the resurgence of interest in Celtic culture. We place a high priority on educating the public about the deep roots of this culture and its vitality and relevance here at the dawn of the 21st century. This is of special importance given the influence of Scottish and Irish settlers in this area’s history.

Currently under the leadership of Pipe Major Jim MacRae who recently moved to Birmingham from Chicago and Lead Drummer Kevin Barrett, the band is in a growth mode. Plans are underway to make a trip to Scotland in the near future.

The Alabama Pipes and Drums are a Grade 5 band based out of Birmingham Alabama.

After over 20 years having the Frazier tartan represent the band and needing to replace old worn out kilts the band voted late last year to have the weathered MacRae tartan represent the new uniform for the band.

The tartan was selected based on wanting a more muted look, but it should also be noted that the long standing Pipe Major for the band (2003 - 2021) was Jim MacRae.

We are a 501(c)(3) organization looking to:

Sustain a competition pipe band that represents the North Alabama area in state, regional, national, and international competitions.

Train and educate members to perform with a high level of skill and artistry.

Perform at local and area functions professionally, with pageantry and dignity.

Educate young people in piping and drumming to help ensure that the band will continue to have a steady supply of quality pipers and drummers.

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