barneveld , south holland
Pegasus Pipes & Drums is a pipeband according to Scottish tradition. The band was founded in 2001 in Voorthuizen, the Netherlands (Municipality of …
leiden , south holland
Céud Míle Fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes) This is the home page of The Red Rose of Lochbuie Pipes and Drums Officially recognized pipe band to …
lisburn , antrim
The Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band is one of the leading pipe bands in the world, and the most influential and successful pipe band from Northern …
bergen , bergen
Having a piper playing the highland bagpipes can add a sense of occasion to all types of events. Sekkepipe Bergen provides a proud service …
Bagpipers and drummers for all occasions throughout Norway. We specialise in Weddings, Funerals, Corporate Events, Birthday Parties, Anniversaries or …
Bergen Pipes & Drums has been an active part of the Norwegian cultural scene ever since it was first formed in 2005 as Bergen Pipeband. Based in …
asturias , asturias
In 1992, “ESBARDU” assumes the formation of a Bagpipe Band sensing the boom that this type of modern formation would acquire in the …
The Llacín pipe band, Conceyu Llanes, Asturies (Spain), begins in 1.998 in the Cultural and Etnographic Association of the same name in the village of …
The Pipe Band of Corvera d’Asturies (BGCA) ® is a registered trademark of the Pipe Band Foundation of the Principality of Asturias (BGPA …
barcelona , catalonia
We are the first Scottish band from Barcelona, and even Spain. We play on different formations depending on the needs: Pipe Band Solo / Duo / Trio …
basel , basel
Die Pipes and Drums wurden am 5. April 1978 gegruendet. Einige der Gruendungsmitglieder entstammten der Schotteclique, einer Basler Guggemuusig. Um …
geneva , geneva
We are a happy group of all ages, of both sexes, of Breton, Canadian, French, Scots, American, Autralian, Polish and Swiss pipers and drummers from …
lucerne , lucerne
Currently under the direction of Pipe Major Heinz Weyermann. The band has been in existence since 1973 and has been the first bagpipeband founded in …
lucerne , capital
Mitglieder pflegen die echte Spielweise auf den Great Highland Bagpipes und treten vor allem bei Hochzeiten, FirmenanlÅ ssen und Geburtstagen auf
midland , midland
GegrŸndet wurde die Band am 1. January 1997 in Zofingen. Die aktiven Mitglieder kommen vorwiegend aus dem Mittelland, eine Tatsache, die der Band …
zurich , zurich
The Pipes and Drums of Zurich, Zurich’s only Scottish pipe band was founded in 1977. Our aim is to play bagpipe music in the Scottish tradition. …