antwerp , flanders
The Belgian Blend Pipe Band vzw is a quality grade 3 competition tire associated with the RSPBA . You can invariably see us compete in national and …
“The Flemish Caledonian Pipes and Drums – Clan MacKenzie” is a typical Scottish pipe band based in Ghent. The members come from all regions of the …
The leading Pipe Band of Belgium Antwerp & District Pipe Band was founded in 1978. The band stands for musical quality in a pleasant, friendly …
søborg , capital
Copenhagen Caledonia Pipe Band is Denmark’s oldest and nicest Pipe Band and in 2018 celebrated its 50th anniversary. The band belongs in Søborg …
aarhus , central
Aarhus Pipes & Drums was founded in Aarhus in 1988 and has spread joy and enthusiasm to everything from family parties to city parties to tattoos …
sønderborg , southern
Sønderborg Pipes and Drums, or SPAD for short, is a Danish pipe band that loves to play Scottish bagpipe music. The band was founded in 2003 and today …
helsinki , helsinki
The band, which was previously known as the MacGregor Highlanders, was founded in 1991, and was at the time under the leadership of John MacGregor. …
hohenlohe , baden wurttemberg
The band is recruited from the entire Hohenlohe area. So - roughly speaking - along the A6, between the Weinsberg and Feuchtwangen-Crailsheim motorway …
bremen , baden wurttemberg
Of course, it was a long road before Crest of Gordon took on its current form. So that you can get to know our association a little better, we would …
frankfurt , bradenburg
As one of the best-known pipe bands in Germany and continental Europe, we have been playing gigs at home and abroad for nearly 50 years. And for …
hamburg , hamburg
It was 1994 when some members of the former Scandinavian Seaways Pipe Band, under the patronage of Dr. Matthew James MacDonald formed the band White …
odenwald , hesse
The Odenwald Pipes and Drums is a pipe band consisting of ten pipers and four drummers. Founded in 1994, the pipe band has gained reasonable success …
nordhorn , lower saxony
Our band, City of Nordhorn Pipes & Drums eV, was founded in 2005 on the initiative of Ralf Pfestorf and Ralf Deppe. The first rehearsals took …
duesseldorf , northern west phalia
Welcome to Rhine Power! Rhine Power is a bagpipe band with more than 15 musicians based in and around the Rhineland, all of whom are passionately …
iserlohn , northern west phalia
After the British army had left Iserlohn and the popular bagpipe music could no longer be heard, a handful of positively crazy musicians founded the …
werl , northern west phalia
Warm welcome on the side of the pipe band that emerged from the 1st Bn The Royal Scots, who were formerly stationed in Werl. Bagpipes, drum and kilt. …