bountiful , utah
Established in 2004, WDPB is a competitive and performing Bagpipe Band based out of Bountiful, Utah. Wearing the MacTavish tartan, our band performs …
alexandria , virginia
Alexandria’s pipe band can trace its beginning to 1971, when a small group of pipers and drummers began playing together in Alexandria. …
fairfax , virginia
IONA’s music is a unique, acoustic weave of the traditional music of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany (France), the Isle of Man and …
centerville , virginia
The band was formed in late 1983 as an off shoot of the Fairfax County Firefighter’s Emerald Society which was originally organized in April of 1983. …
seattle , washington
Celtic rock band along the lines of the Pogues with a hint of the Clash. A 7-piece drunken Irish band from Capitol Hill in Seattle Started in 1994 on …
The Elliott Bay Pipe Band of Seattle is a highland bagpipe and drum band that performs traditional and contemporary Celtic music. The band is deeply …
The Kenmore & District Pipe Band came into being in the year 2001 when a group of people with a common appreciation for Scottish piping and …
The band is based in Shoreline (North Seattle, WA) and is open to any young person in the Puget Sound region interested in Scottish piping or …
madison , wisconsin
Madison Pipes and Drums is a non-profit organization for the purpose of education and entertainment through the promotion of Celtic music and …
kenosha , wisconsin
In the fall of 2002, Kenosha, WI, area police officers, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies embarked on a joint effort to create a musical …
milwaukee , milwaukee
Celtic Nations Pipes and Drums is a diverse group of musicians dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the Celtic Heritage and the music of …
milwaukee , wisconsin
The Billy Mitchell Scottish is a not-for-profit organization (all funds are fed back into the growth of the band) that provides its members a chance …
buenos aires , buenos aires
By the late 1990s, the number of pipe bands in South America had reached six (three in Buenos Aires, two in Montevideo, and one in Sao Paulo). In …
osaka , kansai
We are sure you know what a Bagpipe is. It is a Scottish traditional musical instrument that is played world wide. It consists of a blow pipe, a …
kuala lumpur , selangor
Welcome to the official website of Kuala Lumpur Pipes & Drums (KLPD). KLPD is the first Grade 3 pipe band in Malaysia, one of Malaysia most …
singapore , capital
The SJI Pipe Band was founded by Bro Jason Blaikie, FSC in 2002 as a bagpipes section within the SJI Military Band. The Pipes Section followed the …