boise , idaho
The Boise Highlanders were established in 1961. Through the years we have performed in hundreds of parades and local performances and our members have …
sandpoint , idaho
The Albeni Falls Pipes and Drums Band was founded in the year 2000 by two employees of the Albeni Falls Dam, located near Priest River, Idaho. With …
chicago , illinois
We are the official Band of the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We lead off the Chicago St. Pats day parade every year. We are the Shannon …
Founded in 1921 by two brothers and WWI vets of the Gordon Highlanders - the band is the grandfather of pipe-bands in the Midwest.
The City of Chicago Pipe Band is a musical ensemble of bagpipers and drummers who strive to Look Good, Sound Good, and have a Positive Experience. …
Granted permission by Queen Elizabeth II to wear the Royal Stewart Tartan. Currently competes as a Grade 4 band. The Chicago Highlanders have a long … is the internet address of the Bagpipes and Drums of the Emerald Society, Chicago Police Department. This website is a compilation of …
Tunes of Glory has been competing for several years as a proud member of the Midwest Pipe Band Association, and has several pipers and drummers that …
aurora , illinois
The “Pipes and Drums of the Aurora Police” is a group of 10 dedicated officers that carry on the tradition of bagpipe music in the law enforcement …
rockford , illinois
Since then the Band has been active in Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA) competitions, stage performances, parades, memorials, festivals, …
covington , indiana
The Fountain Trust Pipe Band is a Grade 4 Competition Pipe Band in Central Indiana. We practice four evenings per month. Most of our practices are in …
lake county , indiana
The Pipes and Drums of Lake County is comprised of Law Enforcement Officers associated with the Lake County Sheriff’s Department, the Lake …
lafayette , indiana
Now in our 25th year, we re-enact the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) of the late 1700s, in North America, and wish to share the history of this …
evansville , indiana
The Band plays Police and Fire Memorials and special events. The Indiana Emerald Society was established on August 20, 1997 in Evansville, Indiana. On …
kansas city , kansas
The Kansas City 150th Anniversary Legacy Fund is supporting festivals and arts that represent the city’s past, present, and future. The Greater …
lexington , kentucky
The first meeting was held at the home of Barry and Nancy Miller on November 14, 2003 to see if the interest was there for such an organization. The …