scots guards association pipes and drums

pipeband in manchester england

scots guards association pipes and drums

pipeband in manchester england

The seeds were sown for the formation of the band by the late Stan Morris who as Branch Secretary and founder member, was a guest at the Welsh Guards Association, North of England Branch, Annual Dinner in 1958 where he met John Bowen and discovered that they had both played pipes in their youth.

Stan invited John to join the Manchester Branch Scots Guards Association. They bought themselves secondhand pipes and together with other branch members who were ex Regimental Drummers and John Gordon (ex Regimental Piper) they practiced wherever they could - in country lanes, in the Wellington Inn after Branch Meetings, in a chicken farmers barn - until finally, by devious means, obtaining permission to use the local TA Drill Hall, where the they have been ever since.

By now they had acquired, quite cheaply, a set of old rope tensioned side drums and a bass drum. Their enthusiasm was shared and encouraged by Capt. John Elliot whose faith was such that he went to Regimental Headquarters and managed to get official blessing and agreement to supply uniforms for the Band. the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding authorized an initial issue for 6 Pipers and 4 Drummers and the uniform was such that it would not be confused with the Battalion Pipes and Drums.

In those days the RQMS was Gordon Mitchell, who came to Manchester to measure the band members for their uniforms. The uniforms were made by up by the Regimental Tailors, and the cost of these was reimbursed to the Regiment from proceeds of engagements in less than twelve months.

John Bowen was appointed Pipe Major, Roy Gorton was appointed Drum Sergeant and the first public appearance of the band was at a charity concert at the Lightbowne Hotel, Manchester, in October 1960. The late Angus MacDonald MBE, then Pipe Sergeant of the 1st Battalion also performed as a solo Piper at the concert.

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