copenhagen caledonia pipe band

søborg , capital denmark

copenhagen caledonia pipe band



søborg , capital


Copenhagen Caledonia Pipe Band is Denmark’s oldest and nicest Pipe Band and in 2018 celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The band belongs in Søborg - we play Scottish music and have fun at the same time when we meet on Tuesdays. - see under contact if you want to be part of CCPB!

When we play we do our best😀 - in the drum group we have our skilled instructor Anders Jensen who has played with both the Dowco Triumph Street Pipe Band (Canada) Grade 1 and the international Grade 2 band (Balagan).

In the piper group, several of the skilled and playing members are instructors for the new members in the piper group.

In the band, we also make a lot of social interaction, while the music must be in order - so twice a year a Band Weekend is organized somewhere in Denmark from Friday to Sunday, so there is time to play music, have a good chat and the social interaction.

Our members are from 13 years old to 65 years old - and we can always use more members in the band, so if you would like to learn to play the bagpipes or Scottish drum, contact us and have a chat with us.

copenhagen caledonia pipe band

  • søborg , capital


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