1st bohemian highland pipers

pipeband in the czech republic

1st bohemian highland pipers

pipeband in the czech republic

The Bohemian Pipe Band is a traditional Scottish pipe band that previously performed under the name The 1st Czech Pipes and Drums, with its history dating back to 2007.

During its tenure, it has also participated in several international events and some members even visited the Piping College in Glasgow, Scotland , where they perfected their game under the guidance of experienced instructors.

We try to introduce bagpipe music to the Czech audience, as it is played in Scotland and not only there, because we believe that in our basin lies the legacy of the ancient Celts who passed through here, and the music played in today’s countries where Celtic culture is most represented would she shouldn’t have been a stranger to us.

We came up with the name Bohemian Pipe Band because of the complexity of the previous name, as we think Bohemian Pipe Band best describes what we do. And that is the beauty of Scottish bagpipe music in the territory of the Czech Republic, or Bohemia, from the Celtic Boiohemum.

Boiohemum gu brat!

Website preview for bohemian-pipe-band.webnode.cz


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