alberta society pipers and drummers

pipeband association in alberta

alberta society pipers and drummers

pipeband association in alberta

In the fall of 1999, representatives from piping and drumming associations across North America met to discuss the merits of forming an alliance to standardize the structure, rules and judging of piping and drumming competitions.

The Alberta Society of Pipers & Drummers is a non-profit organization which:

  • Fosters and preserves bagpipe music and pipe band drumming in Alberta;
  • Encourages the study, practice and rendition of bagpipe music and pipe band drumming in all its forms and with particular attention to the development of young players;
  • Promotes understanding among the general public of the cultural significance of bagpipe music and pipe band drumming;
  • Promotes public interest in bagpipe music and pipe band drumming by researching, recording, and distributing information about the music;
  • Hold piping competitions for assessing and rewarding individual and group progress in the attainment of piping and drumming skills; and
  • Support kindred societies or groups organized for the purpose of promoting bagpipe music and pipe band drumming.
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