Yn Çheshaght Ghailckagh, also known as the Manx Language Society and formerly known as Manx Gaelic Society, was founded in 1899 in the Isle of Man to promote the Manx language. The group’s motto is Gyn çhengey, gyn çheer (Without language, without country).
Following the decline of Manx as a community language on the Isle of Man during much of the 19th century, there was renewed interest in the language most notably among educated men; this mirrors the founding of Conradh na Gaeilge in Ireland as part of the Gaelic Revival.
From 1897–1899 several meetings were held in Peel to discuss the Manx language. In the wake of these meetings, language classes began, as well as lectures given on Manx music and customs. The group’s first president was A.W. Moore, later Speaker of the House of Keys. Several other prominent members of the Manx language revival, such as J. J. Kneen, Dr John Clague, and Edmund Goodwin, were all founding members of Yn Çheshaght Ghailckagh in 1899 in Peel.
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