John Balliol (c. 1249 – late 1314), known derisively as Toom Tabard (meaning “empty coat” – coat of arms), was King of Scots from 1292 to 1296.
Little is known of his early life.
Scotland entered an interregnum
After the death of Margaret, Maid of Norway, Scotland entered an interregnum during which several competitors for the Crown of Scotland put forward claims.
new King of Scotland
Balliol was chosen from among them as the new King of Scotland by a group of selected noblemen headed by King Edward I of England.
King Edward I of England Influence
Edward used his influence over the process to subjugate Scotland and undermined Balliol’s personal reign by treating Scotland as a vassal of England. Edward’s influence in Scottish affairs tainted Balliol’s reign, and the Scottish nobility deposed him and appointed a Council of Twelve to rule instead.
This council signed a treaty with France known as the Auld Alliance.
In retaliation, Edward invaded Scotland, starting the Wars of Scottish Independence.
Tower of London
After a Scottish defeat in 1296, Balliol abdicated and was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
Eventually, Balliol was sent to his estates in France and retired into obscurity, taking no more part in politics.
Robert the Bruce
Scotland was then left without a monarch until the accession of Robert the Bruce in 1306.
John Balliol’s son Edward Balliol would later exert a claim to the Scottish throne against the Bruce claim during the minority of Robert’s son David.
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