In 1921, Ireland celebrated America’s Independence Day on July 4th by prominently displaying the American flag throughout Dublin and other parts of the country. The Irish people flew the Stars and Stripes, wore it on their clothing, and waved it during various public events to show their deep appreciation for the support provided by the United States during Ireland’s struggle for independence.
Eamon De Valera, who was then the President of Dáil Éireann (the revolutionary Irish parliament), issued a formal declaration recognizing the significance of the American flag. On behalf of the Irish Republic, he stated that the Stars and Stripes would be honored in Ireland “in appreciation of the friendship and aid given to the Irish people by their friends in the United States, and as the recognized symbol of the principle that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
This statement was a powerful nod to the American Declaration of Independence and reinforced the ideological connection between the Irish and American struggles for self-determination. The United States, with its large Irish-American population and history of opposing colonial rule, was seen as a key ally in Ireland’s bid for international recognition and support against British rule.
The gesture of honoring the American flag was part of a broader campaign to appeal to American public opinion and government officials, who had been providing moral and financial support to the Irish cause through fundraising efforts and lobbying by Irish-American organizations such as Clan na Gael and the Friends of Irish Freedom.
The 1921 celebrations were particularly significant as they occurred during a crucial period of the Irish War of Independence (1919–1921), leading up to the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty later that year, which resulted in the establishment of the Irish Free State.
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