Aneurin bevan welsh labor party leader is born

November 15th , 1897

Aneurin Bevan was a Welsh politician and a prominent member of the Labour Party. He was born on November 15, 1897, in Tredegar, Wales. Aneurin Bevan is best known for his role in the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.

As the Minister of Health in Clement Attlee’s post-World War II government, Bevan played a key role in the creation of the NHS. The National Health Service Act 1946 was introduced by Bevan and received royal assent on July 05, 1948. This landmark legislation provided a comprehensive healthcare system that was free at the point of use for all residents of the United Kingdom.

Aneurin Bevan also played a significant role in the development of the National Assistance Act 1948, which established a safety net for those in need of social assistance.

Bevan’s contributions to the establishment of the NHS have had a lasting impact on the healthcare system in the UK, and he is remembered as one of the key figures in the post-war Labour government. Aneurin Bevan died on July 06, 1960.