Alban eilir, welsh bardic name for spring equinox

March 21st , 2000

The first day of spring, or the spring (Vernal) equinox was celebrated March 21. Alban Eiler, which means, Light of the Earth, was the day that night and day stood equal. Crops were typically sown at this time. Birds nest and lay their eggs and symbolize for us the egg which has been within the goddess growing since Midwinter. The eggs of birds are colored and eaten in celebration of the emergence of the Son from the womb of the goddess on this day. With the birth of the Son, our mother goddess is transformed back into the virgin goddess Boand or Sophia. She celebrates the birth of the Son with the father god, the Dagda or The All That Is. The fairies and Nature Spirits join in the celebration so food and milk offerings are left outside for them. This is a time of Balance, Sexual Awakening and Fertility – the planting of Spring flowers is an excellent sign of understanding.

The Sun is at its lowest path in the sky on the Winter Solstice. After that day the Sun follows a higher and higher path through the sky each day until it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours. On the Spring Equinox the Sun rises exactly in the east travels through the sky for 12 hours and sets exactly in the west. On the Equinox this is the motion of the Sun through the sky for everyone on earth. Every place on earth experiences a 12 hours day twice a year on the Spring and Fall Equinox.

After the Spring Equinox, the Sun still continues to follow a higher and higher path through the sky, with the days growing longer and longer, until it reaches it highest point in the sky on the Summer Solstice.

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